Last night I was with a group at their hotel. One of the kids had a radio and some of the students were having a good time dancing in the lobby. It made me think of my upcoming project. Choreographing Footloose alongside Larry Munsey’s direction at the Toby Hut . . . Oh, I guess I can’t call Toby’s Baltimore “The Toby Hut”. . . Um . . .Choreographing Footloose at the "Toby Inn". I was thinking that I enjoy the musical and had a lot of fun doing it back in 2003 in Columbia, but the one thing I never understood is how this story even made it into a movie and a musical. A town that outlaws dancing and rock music? Who ever heard of something like that? Yeah, maybe back in olden times, but it surprises me that even in 1984, this story sold.
Oh well. Dumb plot or not, you’re going to see one kick ass production at the Toby Inn this summer.