Monday, August 28, 2006
Welcome to Tina's
Hi Everyone,
Just a little update on Ragtime. They are offering 1/2 Price Tickets on the following nights: Friday, Sept. 1st, Sat. Sept. 2nd and Sunday evening, Sept. 10th. Please make your reservations soon, It would be ashame for anyone to miss it. !!!!!!!!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Terrell Owens Again
Hey everybody thanks for not voting me off.
Friday, August 25, 2006
I've Got Cash For You

I'm feeling generous right now. So I will give $4 to everyone that keeps me in the Big Blogger game. That's right. I am extending the offer I made during Footloose. For anyone who comes to see me and the rest of the cast in Ragtime at the Toby Inn in Baltimore I will pay your toll. I shouldn't have to bribe you to come see my show, but whatever it takes to be the Big Blogger.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Mark Madness
Mark Madness!
Mark Madness will feature questions from me, but here's the good part. Unlike the long endless interviews on "The Follow Spot", my interviews will be no more than ten questions, because as it says at the top of my blog, I write from an A D D prospective
Today's topic: Blogs and Friends!
Mark, Give me your impression of each of the blogs on your list of links.
each of the blogs - shit.
actormann - new and exciting , I see much potential for some very interesting and different reading material from a very creative mind
StephenGregorySmith - gave me inspiration to do my blog and I am glad his is still operating, how else would I know what was going on at Signature
Filmdom - I enjoy a good review written in a very human way.
Janoose Productions - it was good for the week it operated
BruDogHaven - great at first but went as far as it could go and now I am tired of it
Get Your Own - another very different blog with interesting points of view and different topics not in the theatrical world , yet artistic in it's own way.
Adventures of Jill and Clan - her children are very attractive but I need a little more than just her family life - this blog needs and edgy entry to intrigue its readers more. Perhaps one of the kids acts up and Jill hits them and then we read about what happened after that. Punishment, more beatings, locked in their room with no dinner...the possibilities are endless.
Laugh, Laff, Laf - more laughs in the title than on the blog - needs a few entries
Triple Time Step - has it disappeared??
MacWick Designs - I think people should revisit this page and plan their holiday gifts early. they really are very well received by everyone who gets them - good gift!!!
DERMAtology - could this be the next big blog? I see a sitcom in this one - look out!
Welcome to Tinas - need we really hear anymore from this bitch than we already do?
Phoenix Entertainment - Oh, my works site - check out our newly created Grease promo on the shows page - just finished working on that and it came out really great.
All the rest are fun theatre sites or gay blogs - who cares really.
Which one of your friends without a blog would you like to see with one?
I think that David James would have a very interesting and witty blog but I would also like to read a blog from Carla Della Torre Dakin because she does make up on many famous people and newsmakers and she would have neat stories but would probably get fired for talking about them.
Do you find that it's easier to keep in touch with friends through blogging?
No - I still call people all the time. For the first month or so, I stopped talking and said - "Read my blog" but I got yelled at all the time. I will say that the blog has put people back in touch - in a way - with people we havent seen in years like Keara, Jill Reumke, Jennifer Dickison, Kim Berly etc...
I've had strangers comment on my blog. Are you worried that strangers might get the wrong impression of you from your blog?
Don't give a fuck what they think and I welcome them to read and enjoy. Our group of friends and aquaintances are so unique and special that I think it would interest almost anyone who doesn't take themselves too seriously
Is blogging a dream come true for you since nobody ever listened to you before?
Umm...people always listened to me. They may have walked away and said "fuck off" or "whatever" or "given me the finger behind my back - Tamarin - but I always feel I have been listened to.
follow up: Do you really think people care?
again - don't care if they do - but I think they do - otherwise why would The Follow Spot have passed 20,000 hits last night - YAY
Other than Jeffrey, has anybody in a restaurant commented or given you dirty looks for taking pictures of your food?
No - people are into their own food. we are in Woodbridge, those toothless freaks out dining are too worried about shoveling in their food that they don't pay attention. The only attention we get is when Jeffrey makes too big a scene about it.
follow up: Do you think that is why Stephen Smith declined your dinner invitation?
I think Steve turned down my invitation because.... (Mark never answered this question. Perhaps I struck a nerve)
Why are you neglecting your Tuesday with Tina duties?
Sometimes it is hard to have a topic to discuss with you and if I don't have a topic and I am not "feeling it" that day, I think it is better to not do an interview than to do a shitty one. Some work and some don't but I don't want to try and force one if the time isnt right.
Mark, thank you very much for this informative interview. I hope "Mark Madness" becomes a huge hit among our friends. And America take note that, here at "Welcome to Tina's" you'll always find great entertainment, great recipes, great rants, and plenty of ME! (hint hint to the voters out there) Until next time America!
Monday, August 14, 2006
Let's Hear It For The Boy!
OK, that quote speaks for itself, so I won't even comment on it. But, I will tell you that I found it online at: FOOTLOOSING AT THE NEW TOBY’S BALTIMORE-LOVE THAT FUNQUE!!
Speaking of Footloose, we are down to our last week and there are still a bunch of you who haven't come to see it yet. We have Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. That's it! If you still want to come, call me. We are even offering half price for Saturday night. And my offer about paying your toll still stands.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Welcome To Tina's Kitchen


Red Wine Punch
2 parts red wine
1 part soda water
3 tbsp powdered sugar
orange slices
Mix powdered sugar with red wine in a punch bowl, and stir well. Add soda, plenty of ice, and orange slices. Serve immediately.
For maximum effect, I recommend using a kiddie pool instead of a punch bowl. Of course this means that you will have to increase the amount of ingredients, but this should be no problem if you are like me and keep a case of red wine in the trunk of your car.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Tina's "Ugh!" Of The Day

It's 95° right now. It's been in the high 90's all week. It's very hot, but that's not what I'm posting about. I'm posting about those damn newscasts. It's hot! We know it's hot! Do they have to remind us about it on the news over and over and over again? How many people do they have to stop on the street to ask about the heat? There was one reporter on the news this morning at the Woodrow Wilson Bridge construction site who had one of those temperature laser gun thingys. She was actually pointing it at various surface at the site and telling us what the temperatures where. "Let see, the temperature on this plank is 98°. The temperature on this concrete is 99°. The temperature on this bolt is 101°." Yes, she actually pointed the goddamn thing at a bolt. I mean, What the F#<$?!! Enough already!
It's the same with the gas prices. How many times do we need to be told how high the gas prices are? Like we can't just look at the sign when we are on the road. Oh, and I love when they tell you where the lowest gas prices are. Like my ass is going to drive all the way across town to save 5 cents a gallon.