Sunday, December 24, 2006
Welcome To Tina's Kitchen

Monday, December 11, 2006
Tina Tina Tina
Yah Eagles!
Hey is that alcohol in my hand?
Sunday, December 03, 2006
My Wish List
I bet you're wondering what you should get me for Christmas. Well here it is. It's a Triple Chocolate Grand Marnier Cheesecake. But I don't expect you to make it for me. That's a lot of work. You can buy it at igourmet.com.
Hurry don't get caught in the Christmas rush.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Black Friday At Toby's

Monday, November 20, 2006
My New Look!
Speaking of the Eagles I'm in mourning today. My poor Donovan out for the season with a torn ligament. I don't know how much more his fine body can take.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Bunch of dirty little kids begging for candy. Get a job and buy your own candy. And half of them don't even wear costumes. And heaven forbid you give them the wrong kind of candy. You'll wake up with a yard full of toilet paper.
Well anyway Happy Halloween to everybody.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Sorry I haven't posted much. I've been very busy lately.
Monday, October 16, 2006
The Eagles
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Mark Madness

Welcome back Mark and thanks for sitting down for another interview. Today's topic will be
Why do you think reality shows are so popular?
I think people are fascinated with what "real" people are like in different situations. I also think people like to imagine themselves in these situations and think "if they can do it, then I can do it." It gives everyone the hopes of having their 15 minutes of fame. Although most of these people are not real anymore. I think back to the first Survivor when nobody was aware of what this type of medium was about. It was fresh and interesting. I still enjoy it but it was more interesting when people were fresh and didn't know what to expect or how to "act" and you got to see what really happened without alliances taking control over situations.
If you were a producer and were starting a reality show what would your show be?
I think I would do a reality show about real people in interesting occupations and each week I follow a different person in their workplace. Imagine following Tina at her day job with Tour and Travel and then theatre at night. Imagine a day at the Kennedy Center Instant Charge. Imagine following somebody who works production assistant work behind the scenes at a TV show. Imagine a day at the dog groomers. There are many opportunities for fun
Which one would you be good on?
I think I would do well on a show like Big Brother or Amazing Race. I would love to do Survivor but do not think I fit the mold for that show. They seem to have set types they pick and almost every guy under 40 is a muscle stud. I think the race would be great fun and you and I would be a great couple for the show - that would be great TV. I would also be good paired up with Joey or Carla. Think of the fights that would ensue. On Big Brother, I would do well because I usually do good in social situations except I don't get drunk so that might hold me back.
Do you think your life would make a good reality show?
No, I actually do not. People may think there is a lot of excitement in my personal life but they are wrong. I work and watch TV. It is when I am outside of my home and work that I have more fun. When I am in new environments and new situations
Do you get so into reality shows because you think you are better than the contestants?
No, I do not. I get into them because they are either fun or they are hot!! I enjoy a hot reality guy. Although, they need to get more good looking guys who aren't body builders. Handsome with normal bodies that aren't so ripped. Although, I do like looking at the muscley boys - scratch that. Keep it as is
Would a reality show about the Baltimore dinner theater scene be popular?
I am not sure. If done right with the right casting it could be fun to see. I think it would be funny to watch different personalities turn it on more for the camera while waiting tables and dealing with the backstage environments. Especially the smaller ones. We will see how the new "casting Grease' reality show goes to see if people are interested. The UK version of casting Sound of Music called " How do you solve a problem like Maria" did well over there.
I'm going to give you some names and I want you to tell me which reality show each would be good on.
Foofi- Playing it Straight or Boy Meets Boy
Toby - The Bachelorette
Darren- Trading Spaces or Queer Eye
Ryan- Project Greenlight
Carla- America's Next Top Model or The Simple Life
Sabra- Blind Date
I have a reality show idea. It would be you doing a travel show exploring the many restroom facilities around the world. What do you think?
I think it would be called "Your favorite dumping hole". I would go to different places and talk to locals about the best dumping spots and then I would eat local cuisine and see how long it took for me to have to use the best hole in their town or country.
Thanks again for taking time out of you everso busy schedule to be interviewed by Welcome to Tina's, the true big blogger. Until next time.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Battle Of The Century
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Big Blogger
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Welcome To Tina's Kitchen

1/2 cup crushed strawberries
1/4 cup finely chopped walnuts
1/4 cup dark brown sugar
1/3 cup Grand Marnier
1 cup softened cream cheese
1 cup sour cream
Reserve 1 tablespoon each of the strawberries and walnuts for the garnish.
In a small bowl, mix strawberries, brown sugar, and liqueur. Set aside.
Blend cream cheese and sour cream until smooth.
Add strawberry mixture, blending well.
Fold in walnuts.
Mound the reserved strawberries in the center and ring with the reserved walnuts.
Cover and chill.
Now here's the problem with this recipe. Every time I make it I forget to buy cheesecake to dip in it. So when this happens I grab some tupperware containers and head on over to the Toby's kitchen. Oops! Don't tell.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Tina's "Ugh!" Of The Day

I know that sometimes you get tired of hearing about me so today I'm going to turn the tables. I want to know what you Ugh! about. And I really want to hear from my Big Blogger supporters out there. Maybe I'll make this a regular feature on my blog too.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Welcome to Tina's
Hi Everyone,
Just a little update on Ragtime. They are offering 1/2 Price Tickets on the following nights: Friday, Sept. 1st, Sat. Sept. 2nd and Sunday evening, Sept. 10th. Please make your reservations soon, It would be ashame for anyone to miss it. !!!!!!!!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Terrell Owens Again
Hey everybody thanks for not voting me off.
Friday, August 25, 2006
I've Got Cash For You

I'm feeling generous right now. So I will give $4 to everyone that keeps me in the Big Blogger game. That's right. I am extending the offer I made during Footloose. For anyone who comes to see me and the rest of the cast in Ragtime at the Toby Inn in Baltimore I will pay your toll. I shouldn't have to bribe you to come see my show, but whatever it takes to be the Big Blogger.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Mark Madness
Mark Madness!
Mark Madness will feature questions from me, but here's the good part. Unlike the long endless interviews on "The Follow Spot", my interviews will be no more than ten questions, because as it says at the top of my blog, I write from an A D D prospective
Today's topic: Blogs and Friends!
Mark, Give me your impression of each of the blogs on your list of links.
each of the blogs - shit.
actormann - new and exciting , I see much potential for some very interesting and different reading material from a very creative mind
StephenGregorySmith - gave me inspiration to do my blog and I am glad his is still operating, how else would I know what was going on at Signature
Filmdom - I enjoy a good review written in a very human way.
Janoose Productions - it was good for the week it operated
BruDogHaven - great at first but really...it went as far as it could go and now I am tired of it
Get Your Own - another very different blog with interesting points of view and different topics not in the theatrical world , yet artistic in it's own way.
Adventures of Jill and Clan - her children are very attractive but I need a little more than just her family life - this blog needs and edgy entry to intrigue its readers more. Perhaps one of the kids acts up and Jill hits them and then we read about what happened after that. Punishment, more beatings, locked in their room with no dinner...the possibilities are endless.
Laugh, Laff, Laf - more laughs in the title than on the blog - needs a few entries
Triple Time Step - has it disappeared??
MacWick Designs - I think people should revisit this page and plan their holiday gifts early. they really are very well received by everyone who gets them - good gift!!!
DERMAtology - could this be the next big blog? I see a sitcom in this one - look out!
Welcome to Tinas - need we really hear anymore from this bitch than we already do?
Phoenix Entertainment - Oh, my works site - check out our newly created Grease promo on the shows page - just finished working on that and it came out really great.
All the rest are fun theatre sites or gay blogs - who cares really.
Which one of your friends without a blog would you like to see with one?
I think that David James would have a very interesting and witty blog but I would also like to read a blog from Carla Della Torre Dakin because she does make up on many famous people and newsmakers and she would have neat stories but would probably get fired for talking about them.
Do you find that it's easier to keep in touch with friends through blogging?
No - I still call people all the time. For the first month or so, I stopped talking and said - "Read my blog" but I got yelled at all the time. I will say that the blog has put people back in touch - in a way - with people we havent seen in years like Keara, Jill Reumke, Jennifer Dickison, Kim Berly etc...
I've had strangers comment on my blog. Are you worried that strangers might get the wrong impression of you from your blog?
Don't give a fuck what they think and I welcome them to read and enjoy. Our group of friends and aquaintances are so unique and special that I think it would interest almost anyone who doesn't take themselves too seriously
Is blogging a dream come true for you since nobody ever listened to you before?
Umm...people always listened to me. They may have walked away and said "fuck off" or "whatever" or "given me the finger behind my back - Tamarin - but I always feel I have been listened to.
follow up: Do you really think people care?
again - don't care if they do - but I think they do - otherwise why would The Follow Spot have passed 20,000 hits last night - YAY
Other than Jeffrey, has anybody in a restaurant commented or given you dirty looks for taking pictures of your food?
No - people are into their own food. we are in Woodbridge, those toothless freaks out dining are too worried about shoveling in their food that they don't pay attention. The only attention we get is when Jeffrey makes too big a scene about it.
follow up: Do you think that is why Stephen Smith declined your dinner invitation?
I think Steve turned down my invitation because.... (Mark never answered this question. Perhaps I struck a nerve)
Why are you neglecting your Tuesday with Tina duties?
Sometimes it is hard to have a topic to discuss with you and if I don't have a topic and I am not "feeling it" that day, I think it is better to not do an interview than to do a shitty one. Some work and some don't but I don't want to try and force one if the time isnt right.
Mark, thank you very much for this informative interview. I hope "Mark Madness" becomes a huge hit among our friends. And America take note that, here at "Welcome to Tina's" you'll always find great entertainment, great recipes, great rants, and plenty of ME! (hint hint to the voters out there) Until next time America!
Monday, August 14, 2006
Let's Hear It For The Boy!
OK, that quote speaks for itself, so I won't even comment on it. But, I will tell you that I found it online at: FOOTLOOSING AT THE NEW TOBY’S BALTIMORE-LOVE THAT FUNQUE!!
Speaking of Footloose, we are down to our last week and there are still a bunch of you who haven't come to see it yet. We have Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. That's it! If you still want to come, call me. We are even offering half price for Saturday night. And my offer about paying your toll still stands.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Welcome To Tina's Kitchen


Red Wine Punch
2 parts red wine
1 part soda water
3 tbsp powdered sugar
orange slices
Mix powdered sugar with red wine in a punch bowl, and stir well. Add soda, plenty of ice, and orange slices. Serve immediately.
For maximum effect, I recommend using a kiddie pool instead of a punch bowl. Of course this means that you will have to increase the amount of ingredients, but this should be no problem if you are like me and keep a case of red wine in the trunk of your car.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Tina's "Ugh!" Of The Day

It's 95° right now. It's been in the high 90's all week. It's very hot, but that's not what I'm posting about. I'm posting about those damn newscasts. It's hot! We know it's hot! Do they have to remind us about it on the news over and over and over again? How many people do they have to stop on the street to ask about the heat? There was one reporter on the news this morning at the Woodrow Wilson Bridge construction site who had one of those temperature laser gun thingys. She was actually pointing it at various surface at the site and telling us what the temperatures where. "Let see, the temperature on this plank is 98°. The temperature on this concrete is 99°. The temperature on this bolt is 101°." Yes, she actually pointed the goddamn thing at a bolt. I mean, What the F#<$?!! Enough already!
It's the same with the gas prices. How many times do we need to be told how high the gas prices are? Like we can't just look at the sign when we are on the road. Oh, and I love when they tell you where the lowest gas prices are. Like my ass is going to drive all the way across town to save 5 cents a gallon.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Are You Ready For Some Football!
I can't wait to see those Eagles on the field again. And, I can't wait to see my Donovan McNabb take control of the field and the locker room again. Especially now that that nuisance Terrell Owens is gone. Don't get me wrong. He is a great receiver. One of the best ever in the NFL. But, who wants the headache of dealing with him. Well I guess the Cowboys do since they signed him to a three year deal.
And he had the nerve to write a book claiming that we didn't get to hear his side of the story.
Even though he helped us get to the Superbowl, I say "Good riddance". He's not worth the headache.
Monday, July 17, 2006
From The Mind Of Me

I do not like him and his stool

In those gay shorts he’s wearin’
I do not like him in the rain
It’s my vacation do you know how much I’m payin’
Saturday, July 01, 2006
My Favorite Things
I always enjoy having a meal at one of my favorite restaurants, Mexico.

It’s always nice to walk off a good meal, so I like to continue around the World Showcase and see the different countries. Right around Italy is usually when I realize how thirsty I am. It’s a long walk from Mexico to Italy. I mean that’s like three continents or something. I’ve provided a map so you can see how far that really is. So to quench my thirst, I’ll have a glass of red wine to nurse the rest of the way around the lake. Now the great thing about the World Showcase is that you can get alcohol anywhere!
Now when it comes to a nice dinner, the Canada Steakhouse (it’s actually called el caller or something like that) is always nice. I of course like to enjoy my meal with a tasty glass of red wine.
The good thing about staying at a resort on the Disney property is that it’s easy to take a break from the parks and go back to your resort. I like to take a midday trip to the resort pool where I enjoy a good book and a relaxing glass of wine.
If you ever visit Disneyworld, I recommend spending an evening at the Adventures Club on Pleasure Island. It’s a show that consists of an acting troupe that puts on various skits throughout the evening. But that’s not the best part. The best part is that they have a bar there. That’s where I like to enjoy a nice glass of merlot. And if you stay there long enough, sometimes you can get an admirer to buy you a drink.
Another great nightspot is the Hoop-Dee-Doo Review at the Fort Wilderness Lodge. I definitely recommend this place. Good food, good show, and four words: ALL-YOU-CAN-DRINK. I only wish they would let me have a pitcher of sangria instead of by the glass.
Lastly, I would like to point out the only place I don’t like, the restaurant at Cinderella’s Castle.
Now don’t get me wrong. It’s a nice place to eat, but the last time I was there I asked for a glass of wine. Do you know what they told me? “This is a dry kingdom, my lord.” My response to that, “OH LORD.”
Well, I hope this ties you over until I get back. And if you find yourself traveling to Orlando in the future, please feel free to use this post as a destination guide. And don’t worry. I’m sure Mark will post plenty of pictures of me on his blog. And of course the only ones he will post will be the ones that make me look fat
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Explain To Me, Please
Sunday, June 11, 2006
What?! You Think You Can Dance

Now, you want to see a good walkover, come on over to the Queen Of The Burn Brae Dance Studios.
By the way, if you want to see some real dancing, come on over to the Toby Inn for a little "Footloose". Hey, as an incentive I'll pay the toll for the first ten of my friends who come.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Tina's "Ugh!" Of The Day

Monday, May 29, 2006
Happy Memory Day!
I remember the colors of Joseph's coat: red and yellow and green and brown and scarlet and black and oprah and peach and rudy and martini and. . . oh nevermind.
I remember that refreshing feeling the first time I sprayed RAV4 in my hair. Although, I think I need to revisit that experience. . . Have you seen my mop lately?
I remember the first time these lips tasted the sweet nectar of red wine.
And most of all, I remember all my good friends and family on this Memorial Day.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Tina's Revenge!
This past Saturday, after writing another overly informative blog entry, Mark just couldn’t decide what he wanted to do with his free day.
Mark: Well, maybe what I will do is have some breakfast first. That might help me get some ideas on how I should spend my day. Oh, and it’ll give me more chances to take pictures of my food, which I know everybody loves to see.
Mark enjoyed his breakfast. But oops! Something was brewing downstairs! You know how breakfast food affects him.

Mark: Phew much better. Now I think I’ll go downstairs and blog about the good ol’ times I used to have back in Jersey. Back when I used to pretend to be straight in high school by sporting a gay mustache. I’ll even include some pictures, which I know everybody loves to see.
Alright, let’s see. . . “The Road To Stardom” . . . blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Mark blogged and blogged and blogged and blogged until he was hungry again. So he decided to fire up the grill for a little mid-morning snack.
After a meal of hot dogs and chips, Mark decided to head out to Columbia for an afternoon at the mall and maybe a show at the Toby’s.
Mark: I know! Maybe I’ll go and see Jeffrey’s show for the 20th time. But before that I’ll spend the day in Columbia and take some pictures, which I know everybody loves to see.
So, Mark headed out to Columbia.
Now of course after the long ride to Columbia, Mark was hungry. So he drove to the mall…
and decided to see what was on the menu at Uno’s. Unfortunately, Mark was a little stressed over not having had a chance to blog in the past 57 minutes, so he broke down and had a cigarette.
Mark: Oh I hope Jeffrey doesn’t find out about this.
After a smoke, Mark went in and had a grilled chicken sandwich.
Mark: That lunch was good. And I got a great picture of my sandwich, which I know everybody loves to see, but oh my. Is that a little bubblin’ crude I’m feeling?
After getting to know the restroom at Uno’s, Mark decided that the movies would be a nice way to spend the afternoon. So he went to the movies and saw “Over The Hedge”.
Mark: Even though it’s not a Disney/Pixar film which I love because I’m a Disney fan and I go to Disneyworld every year and I have a Disney Vacation Club Membership and I have my Disney plates and I have my man who worked on the Disney ship, I’ll go see it anyway. Besides I do enjoy that Wanda Sykes.

Mark: Wow! An hour and a half of movie watching makes a man hungry. Good thing P F Changs is close by. Maybe I’ll have an afternoon snack there. I could even take some pictures, which I know everybody loves to see.
Mark decided to have a little something different this visit.
Mark: These pot stickers weren’t a bad choice. I might get these again the next time I come h - h - h - ere. . . Uh Oh!

Realizing that he still had a few hours to waste before “Thoroughly Modern Millie”, Mark decided to do a little window shopping. He checked out some clothes, he checked out some deck furniture, he even checked out the drug store. That’s when he saw it. The one thing that could solve all his problems.

After making his purchase, Mark checked his watch.
Mark: Hmmm, plenty of time to get a little dinner before the show. All that shopping makes me hungry.
So Mark headed over to Clyde's for some dinner. Mark was a little nervous though, because he thought that maybe there might be some Toby’s actors hanging around at Clyde's before the show. He knew that if he saw anyone he knew, he’d get those same questions he always gets from his actor friends. “Hey Mark, put me on a Phoenix tour.” “Hey can I just come to call backs?” “Have you cast such and such role yet?” So Mark hid.
Once he knew the coast was clear, he went in. Mark decided to try the breaded chicken fillets. Once again, something different.
Mark: Not bad. Closest thing I can get to fried chicken here. But, I think I’ll go have dessert at the Cheesecake Factory.
So it was off to the Cheesecake Factory. But before that . . .
On his way to the Cheesecake Factory…
Mark realized that he hadn’t taken any pictures of his friendly neighborhood servers today.
Mark: Oh my god! I haven’t taken any pictures of my friendly neighborhood servers today.
At the restaurant, He took a picture of his server Louie. Louie was a little unsure of what was going on.

After a lovely dessert at the Factory, Mark headed over to the Toby Hut to see Millie. But before he made it inside he collapsed from being all stopped up with cheesecake. As he struggled to make it to the restroom he was accidentally stepped on by a student attending the show.
He finally made it to the restroom and . . .

Ahhhhh! Sweet release!