This past Saturday, after writing another overly informative blog entry, Mark just couldn’t decide what he wanted to do with his free day.
Mark: Well, maybe what I will do is have some breakfast first. That might help me get some ideas on how I should spend my day. Oh, and it’ll give me more chances to take pictures of my food, which I know everybody loves to see.
Mark enjoyed his breakfast. But oops! Something was brewing downstairs! You know how breakfast food affects him.

Mark: Phew much better. Now I think I’ll go downstairs and blog about the good ol’ times I used to have back in Jersey. Back when I used to pretend to be straight in high school by sporting a gay mustache. I’ll even include some pictures, which I know everybody loves to see.
Alright, let’s see. . . “The Road To Stardom” . . . blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Mark blogged and blogged and blogged and blogged until he was hungry again. So he decided to fire up the grill for a little mid-morning snack.
After a meal of hot dogs and chips, Mark decided to head out to Columbia for an afternoon at the mall and maybe a show at the Toby’s.
Mark: I know! Maybe I’ll go and see Jeffrey’s show for the 20th time. But before that I’ll spend the day in Columbia and take some pictures, which I know everybody loves to see.
So, Mark headed out to Columbia.
Now of course after the long ride to Columbia, Mark was hungry. So he drove to the mall…
and decided to see what was on the menu at Uno’s. Unfortunately, Mark was a little stressed over not having had a chance to blog in the past 57 minutes, so he broke down and had a cigarette.
Mark: Oh I hope Jeffrey doesn’t find out about this.
After a smoke, Mark went in and had a grilled chicken sandwich.
Mark: That lunch was good. And I got a great picture of my sandwich, which I know everybody loves to see, but oh my. Is that a little bubblin’ crude I’m feeling?
After getting to know the restroom at Uno’s, Mark decided that the movies would be a nice way to spend the afternoon. So he went to the movies and saw “Over The Hedge”.
Mark: Even though it’s not a Disney/Pixar film which I love because I’m a Disney fan and I go to Disneyworld every year and I have a Disney Vacation Club Membership and I have my Disney plates and I have my man who worked on the Disney ship, I’ll go see it anyway. Besides I do enjoy that Wanda Sykes.

Mark: Wow! An hour and a half of movie watching makes a man hungry. Good thing P F Changs is close by. Maybe I’ll have an afternoon snack there. I could even take some pictures, which I know everybody loves to see.
Mark decided to have a little something different this visit.
Mark: These pot stickers weren’t a bad choice. I might get these again the next time I come h - h - h - ere. . . Uh Oh!

Realizing that he still had a few hours to waste before “Thoroughly Modern Millie”, Mark decided to do a little window shopping. He checked out some clothes, he checked out some deck furniture, he even checked out the drug store. That’s when he saw it. The one thing that could solve all his problems.

After making his purchase, Mark checked his watch.
Mark: Hmmm, plenty of time to get a little dinner before the show. All that shopping makes me hungry.
So Mark headed over to Clyde's for some dinner. Mark was a little nervous though, because he thought that maybe there might be some Toby’s actors hanging around at Clyde's before the show. He knew that if he saw anyone he knew, he’d get those same questions he always gets from his actor friends. “Hey Mark, put me on a Phoenix tour.” “Hey can I just come to call backs?” “Have you cast such and such role yet?” So Mark hid.
Once he knew the coast was clear, he went in. Mark decided to try the breaded chicken fillets. Once again, something different.
Mark: Not bad. Closest thing I can get to fried chicken here. But, I think I’ll go have dessert at the Cheesecake Factory.
So it was off to the Cheesecake Factory. But before that . . .
On his way to the Cheesecake Factory…
Mark realized that he hadn’t taken any pictures of his friendly neighborhood servers today.
Mark: Oh my god! I haven’t taken any pictures of my friendly neighborhood servers today.
At the restaurant, He took a picture of his server Louie. Louie was a little unsure of what was going on.

After a lovely dessert at the Factory, Mark headed over to the Toby Hut to see Millie. But before he made it inside he collapsed from being all stopped up with cheesecake. As he struggled to make it to the restroom he was accidentally stepped on by a student attending the show.
He finally made it to the restroom and . . .

Ahhhhh! Sweet release!
Very funny...
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