Friday, April 07, 2006

I Can't Believe It

I can't believe that Mandisa was voted off Wednesday. She was a great singer. Although her last two weeks were not good. But maybe she wasn't meant to sing country. At least she tried. Everybody can't sound great on everything. Hell, I sang "Someone To Watch Over Me."

America I think you got it wrong.

Of course my favorite Chris Daughtry is still in, so who cares. And that hot Ass . . I mean . . . Ace is still in, even though he can't sing.


The Follow Spot said...

I was a big Mandisa supporter BUT now that I know she doesnt like the gays - I say - BYE MANDISA!!!!

Antonio said...

Four words: Con - spir - a - cy

Although I didn't hear about her disliking of gays. How unfortunate.